Design Challenge

and Requirements

Other General Design Considerations

In developing their proposals, competitors will also need to give due consideration to the following:

Building Efficiency

One of the partners for this competition is the Building Research Establishment (BRE). It is important that the homes take a fabric first approach to ensure that there is minimal environmental impact, whilst utilising natural resources such as sunlight in the most positive manner. Accommodation should be flexible and be suitable for the whole lifecycle and meet a range of needs. This should be acknowledged in entries.

Landscape Strategy

As set out previously, landscaping is one of the core assets in the overall garden city design approach. Details should therefore be provided of the proposed approach towards landscaping including a representation of the type of landscape strategy structure as part of a site master plan.

It is the Heritage Foundation’s aspiration to retain existing and provide additional hedgerow, create additional natural habitats which will support biodiversity and ensure that open space is safe and usable for all and plant at least 2,000 new trees.

Urban Agriculture

One of the garden city principles which is as relevant today as it was a hundred years ago, relates to the incorporation of local food production into the creation of new settlements. This has become even more prevalent as we face challenges to supply increasing population and climate change.

The University of Hertfordshire is also a partner in the competition, which has expertise in this area particularly through Dr Susan Parham, author of ‘Food & Urbanism’. Susan will be a member of the Judging Panel and is a specialist in the incorporation of food focused place making, food production, processing, distribution and consumption, as part of the garden city model.

Ideas for the inclusion of urban agriculture incorporating continuous productive urban landscapes should be proposed in the master planning proposals, to ensure that the new community has the best opportunity to grow and source local food, which will also be linked to the management of open spaces and the opportunity for exercise and healthy living.

Water & Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)

A positive approach to the minimisation of water use and the management of surface water should be adopted and this should be used as a positive component of a master planned approach, in terms of habitat creation and amenity. Anglian/Affinity Water will be part of the judging panel and will be interested in solutions that help support water management with positive landscaping solutions.

SUDS should therefore be treated as an opportunity to enhance the scheme.

Access & Highways

The Foundation is working with the highways authority to agree the most appropriate access solution to serve the site. A plan indicating the proposed access points will be made available to registered competitors. The access points have been agreed in principle by the highways authority, but will be the subject of detailed modelling and assessment. For the purposes of this competition, competitors should assume that the access solution will be implemented.

The site wraps around an existing area of open space, the Grange Recreation Ground. This is outside the development site, however the local authority, which owns the land, is agreeable in principle to a pedestrian and cycling access route to go through the recreation ground to assist with access and permeability.


In Phase 2 of the competition entries will also be appraised in terms of their potential viability and deliverability, to ensure that proposals represent a positive proposition to a commercial developer, but also the Foundation, who will be reinvesting receipts from the development of Site LG1 back into the local community by way of its charitable commitments.

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