

HLM Architects

with University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), Mid Group, Hydrock and Greenbuild

Forever Home

Our concept is a universal manufacturing platform that enables flexible, affordable, and sustainable ‘Forever Homes’ that perpetuate a circular economy.

This concept was developed to solve the issues of capacity and compatibility of offsite housing manufacture and construction by developing a design standard that enables any offsite manufactured system to deliver the same high quality, sustainable design, using interchangeable parts.

Using an online configurator, house buyers and homeowners can create a home to suit their needs that can grow and shrink to suit them over their lives. In this way, homeowners save money on the costs of moving home, which can instead be invested in their properties to make better quality homes. As additional space is required, for example as families grow, these homes can be easily extended within a flexible framework of pre-determined development that has Planning permission built in. In later life, if homeowners want to realize the value in their homes and ‘downsize’, they can do this without moving. Instead, parts of the home can be disassembled easily and sold back into a manufacturing ecosystem. This means that people can choose to stay in their homes for the whole of their lives if they wish, put down strong roots in their communities, which in-turn helps create a strong neighbourhood identity.

The concept is particularly beneficial to housebuilders and developers as it enables them to select contractors and suppliers from a much wider pool than the current offsite sector can provide. As well as making tendering more competitive, it also serves to safeguards the supply chain ‘ecosystem’ by ensuring there is also a back-up manufacturer or supplier should one become needed.

The Forever Home is highly environmentally sustainable and halves the operational carbon target set by RIBA for 2030.